The Wine Cave
In 2008, Stephen and Gloria commissioned Tom Pappas and his company Victory Builders to begin construction of a new Winemaking Facility and Wine Cave. Built nearly 50 feet underground, the cave remains cool year round, allowing our red wines to barrel age gracefully for 9 - 18 months under the most ideal conditions. Ornate carvings, elaborate pillars and decorative hallways lined with archways of stone will give you a taste of Europe. Upon entering the cave, you'll spy several stuning carvings dipicting the Archangels Gabriel and Michael. Interestingly, the Reustle wine cave is considered the first wine (cave) ever built in Southern Oregon, making this attraction even more special.

The Grand Hall
The Grand Hall is perhaps the most magnificent aspect of this baroque wine cave, with the crown jewel being our own recreation of Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam in the Sistine Chapel. The local artist responsible for painting it specialized primarily in artwork for cars and motorcycles. Working only at night, the accomplished car and motorcycle artist painted this while lying on his back and using only an airbrush. Unlike the original painting by Michelangelo, we've incorporated a cross between the fingers of God and Adam to symbolize that Jesus is a conduit that bridges the gap between God and man.

The Catacombs
Within the cave lie three distinct catacombs: The Victory Room, The W.A.R. Room (a tribute to Stephen's Father, Walter Arthur Reustle), and The Celebration Room. When arranged in a meaningful sequence, each room symbolizes the journey from war to victory and the ensuing celebration. Two additional catacombs lie at the entrance of the cave, each of which bears a Greek inscription above the doorway translated as 'King of kings' and 'Lord of lords' – a phrase that directly references Jesus and appears only three times in the Bible. Visitors can experience a warm and personalized experience with our wine educators in one of these catacombs, giving them a taste of old-world Europe while tasting our world-class wines.